Compete, play, and have fun! United Erasmus Cup organizes exciting sports tournaments for Erasmus students across Europe. Join the game and make unforgettable memories on the field!
Explore new cities while playing your favorite sport! Our tournaments take you to different European destinations, combining competition with adventure. Play, travel, and experience new cultures!
More than just sports! Meet international students, make new friends, and enjoy unforgettable events. Unnited Erasmus Cup is all about bringing people together, on and off the field!
your favorite destination
As we gear up for UEC’26, it’s time to decide where the next edition will take place!
Have a favorite city in mind? Cast your vote and help shape the future of this incredible tournament. Whether it’s for the vibrant atmosphere, top-notch facilities, or simply the best Erasmus vibes, your voice matters!
Vote now and be part of UEC history!
The most affordable price
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